Environmental Excellence
Air Emissions Management
The cement production process includes crushing, screening, grinding and combustion processes. At these stages, dust and gas emissions may occur, which may result in environmental impacts.
We record dust and gas emission values in all our facilities with continuous monitoring systems, taking into account the current regulations in our country and world-class good practices. Moreover, we verify and control the data via measurements conducted by accredited laboratories during the periods stipulated by the relevant regulations.

In our facilities, covered conveyor systems and bag filters are used in the crushing-sieving-grinding processes beginning from the raw material preparation and transportation stages. Çimsa has closed stock areas where raw materials and products are stocked. This plays a significant role in keeping dust emissions under limits.
We measure the dust emissions of the rotary kiln chimneys resulting from the combustion process with continuous monitoring systems and report them to the relevant authorities.
Important pollutants that may arise during the combustion reaction are nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), total organic carbon (TOC), metals, hydrogen fluoride (HF), hydrogen chloride (HCl), dioxin and furan. We measure the NOx, TOC, HF, HCl parameters of the rotary kiln chimneys in all cement production facilities of Çimsa with continuous monitoring systems and report them to the relevant authorities.
We inject an ammonia solution using the Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) system to keep NOx emissions within limits. With the contribution of the system, we reduce the amount of nitrogen oxide (NOx) gasses generated during the combustion process.

Water Management
At Çimsa, we focus on effective water management, taking into account global reporting frameworks, industry guidelines and local regulations, with the awareness that water is a strategic resource that takes an important place in the ranking of chronic physical risks we have identified on the basis of climate scenarios.
Although water is a direct input in concrete production, it is not the raw material of the cement production process. On the other hand, auxiliary processes such as sand and gravel washing and equipment cooling systems in cement and concrete production processes require water consumption. The water requirement in the plants is fulfilled by wells and municipal resources. In this context, we are working on minimizing water consumption, better managing the water cycle and identifying technological innovations that enable water recycling.
As Çimsa, we have 4 main operations: raw material preparation, cement production, ready-mixed concrete, grinding facilities and terminals. In order to reduce the environmental impact of all these operations and to make our processes more sensitive in terms of biodiversity, we adopt sustainable practices that have a positive impact on nature.
Çimsa aims for nature positive operations, with a goal of mitigating nature-related risk as well as actively seeking
opportunities for long-term business resilience. For this, we shall make nature a strategic priority and develop robust longterm plans.
Our ambition is to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, with 2022 as baseline, and achieve full recovery by 2050, with a focus on our own operations as well as highly material value chain impacts associated with quarrying/raw material procurement.
We will take a robust, science-based approach to develop actionable roadmaps and targets for Çimsa’s biodiversity performance in close collaboration with its stakeholders, communities, industry peers and supplier network These efforts will be structured and communicated via actionable and location-specific “Biodiversity Action Plans.”
In addition, we implement the “Reclamation Nature Plans”, which are determined to reclaim the lands used within the scope of legal regulations, with the approval of public institutions.