
Climate Crisis Management

How Do We Manage the Climate Crisis?

At Çimsa, we are taking strong steps to translate our commitment to combat climate crisis into actions throughout our operations and value chain in parallel with global developments.

We carry out our efforts to understand the impacts of climate change on Çimsa’s value chain and to determine the necessary actions to mitigate these impacts in line with the Task Force on Climated Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and by considering possible future scenarios. We consider 2025 and 2030 as key milestones to reach the 2050 goals delicately, and develop our action and investment plans with the participation of internal and external stakeholders.

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Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan of Çimsa 

We adopt the holistic management of Scope 1 (direct), Scope 2 (indirect) and Scope 3 (value chain) GHG emissions throughout the value chain as our main strategy.

We use the methodology developed by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) in calculating our GHG emissions from production processes.

After calculations regarding the GHG emissions are verified by an independent auditor, we transfer Scope 1 and Scope 2 data to the GNR database of GCCA as part of the Assurance Statement. We include the movement of all upstream and downstream inputs and outputs across the supply chain and calculate Scope 3 emissions.

While planning our 2050 journey, we determine our main levers for all emission types and develop our investments and action plans according to their potential to contribute to our goals.

At Çimsa, we contribute to environmental and carbon neutral targets by prioritizing the utilization of alternative fuels and alternative raw materials during the production processes. Replacing carbon-intensive fuels with carbon-free biomass and non-fossil fuels, we also support the waste management processes of various industries and mitigate the environmental impacts of wastes.

In order to reduce fuel-related CO2 emissions, we carry out researches to increase the use of fuels derived from biomass, tires and domestic waste with low emission values. Changing our focus on alternative fuels to wastes with low emission values and developing our collaborations accordingly are among our material issues.

We consider alternative raw materials rich in minerals, which are wastes or by-products of other industries, to be of critical importance in terms of circular economy related targets of Çimsa and their contribution to reducing natural resource consumption. 

Increasing the energy efficiency used in production processes and reducing energy consumption are subjects of continuous improvement. We closely follow the technological developments in this regard.

We assess the options of energy supply companies to consume energy with low CO2 emissions generated from renewable energy resources. 

We are working on new projects while our facility in Mersin is operated in the most efficient way possible in converting waste heat from the process into electrical energy.

We closely monitor the developments regarding the hydrogen energy generation in Turkey, and consider using this kind of energy as fuel for the rotary kiln. We are also getting prepared to support this issue via R&D projects.

One of the critical issues in our carbon neutral journey is reducing CO2 emissions generated during calcination by using decarbonized raw materials. 

Tests and R&D studies of alternative raw materials are included in our plan through our raw material supply network. On the other hand, we continue to evaluate the industrial symbiosis perspective in order to contribute to the decarbonization studies of the wastes of different sectors.

In our industry, studies regarding energy efficiency, alternative raw materials and fuel, alternative additives and reducing the amount of clinker are ongoing. On the other hand, carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies are considered to reach a share of 30-50% in the process of reaching the carbon neutral targets.

With the contribution of the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA), of which we are a member, and other collaborations of Çimsa, we follow CCUS technologies and start-up projects worldwide. We are working on joint projects within the Sabancı Group.

Our R&D Unit enables us to develop designs for the usage of our products for carbon storage by working on alternatives to trap carbon dioxide in concrete with the “C-World” project.

We operate in an industry that requires intensive transportation operations during the procurement of raw materials and auxiliary materials and in the sale of products.

As a priority, we assess the technological developments that will support low-emission transportation alternatives that will reduce the Scope 3 emissions, closely follow expansion of electric vehicles on the highways, and transition to low-emission fuels in sea transportation; and we prepare projections for the future.