Durable Concrete

This permanent special concrete product offers high durability and is specially designed for the production of reinforced concrete structures that are exposed to the effects of seawater, that come into contact with groundwater, are exposed to airborne chlorides or have a high humidity ambient. The product offers a high quality, sustainable solution in structures that requires long-term durability against severe chemical and physical environmental effects. Thanks to its low heat of hydration, the potential for shrinkage and cracking is low. The product is advantageous to use in port structures and piers, highway bridge beams, bridges, viaducts, tunnels, airport runway concretes, industrial structures. With the mineral admixtures it contains, the product is sustainable as it protects the environment through the use of recycled raw materials.
Technical Data Sheets
Safety Data Sheets
Highly Resistant to Environmental Impacts
Muadil Durabil Beton
High Strength
Portland Kompoze Çimento