How To Assess Chlorine Ion Permeability and Carbonation of Concrete?

Concrete can be exposed to many harmful environmental effects, from ground water to sea water, and can receive chemical attacks. These environmental effects can lead to the concrete’s performance decrease in time and lose its function and durability completely before its service life. Transfer of water and harmful substances into the concrete and the interaction of these […]

Concrete Cracks – Self-Healing Ancient Roman Concrete


In contrast to their modern counterparts, ancient Roman mortars and concretes have remained durable in a variety of climates, seismic zones, and even in direct contact with seawater. Because of this proven longevity on the order of millennia, these ancient construction materials have been a model for the design of sustainable, durable cementitious composites for […]

What is Reactive Powder Concrete?


Advanced concrete technology is a constantly evolving area. Many studies, particularly on plasticizer additives, were conducted, which enabled the properties of new generation additives to develop. These developments resulted in the production of cementitious composite materials with very low water/binder ratio. Reactive powder concrete (RPC) is a special type of high-strength concrete; RPC’s microstructure has […]

How to Calculate Concrete Mixtures?


Concrete mixture design is done with the objective of creating a balance between strength, durability, placeability and aesthetic conditions, and low cost. Concrete mixture design consists of 2 main stages: (1) Selection of suitable components (cement, aggregate, water, and additives) (2) Calculating the ratio of these components in order to obtain the most economic concrete […]

What is Custom Concrete? Where is Shotcrete Used?


Custom concrete is the name given to concretes manufactured to satisfy customer expectations that differ from the properties of normal concrete based on the area of application. In our series on custom concrete, the definition and importance of certain types of custom concrete as well as the materials, the blend ratios, their characteristics and areas […]

Pouring Concrete: Key Considerations for Pouring Concrete in Hot Weather


When pouring concrete, the ambient temperature is critical. If the measures that should be taken when pouring concrete in hot weather are not implemented, concrete strength will be negatively affected. Concrete hardens as a result of a chemical reaction, and the speed of this reaction increases as the temperature increases. At high temperatures, rapid hydration results […]

What is Fly Ash? What is the Use of Fly Ash in Cement?


Fine-grained mineral additives are mixed together with the basic materials used in concrete production (cement, aggregate and water) and included in the concrete mixture. The proportion in which they are used is usually 10%-50% of the amount of cement contained in the concrete mixture. Fine-grained mineral additives affect many properties of fresh and hardened concrete, […]

What is Concrete Road?


Concrete road is a superstructure paving type which is made with concrete building material, and which conveys the axle loads to the base. Concrete roads enable different designs for different load traffic. They provide a flexible design. We can summarize the advantages of concrete road as follows: Çimsa Concrete Road Pilot Project In this section, […]

Compressive Strength of Concrete: What Is Blast Furnace Slag?


Granulated blast furnace slag is a mineral additive which in fact is an industrial waste, produced during the production of pig iron in iron and steel factories. Since they have a siliceous and aluminous amorphous structure, blast furnace slags show pozzolanic properties when they are ground to a very fine grained state. When the hydration […]