Blast Furnace Slag Concrete

This special environmentally friendly concrete product of Çimsa with low carbon emissions adds value to the environment by containing recycled materials, substituting up to 60% ground blast furnace slag instead of cement. Compared to concrete that only contains the Portland cement, this more durable, long-lasting, quality-assured, sustainable concrete that is more resistant to physical and harmful chemical effects is developed particularly for green buildings. Thanks to its low heat of hydration, the potential for shrinkage and cracking is low. The product offers concrete solutions with higher durability in buildings, building foundations, industrial grounds, concrete roads, port structures and engineering structures such as bridges, viaducts, building foundations, etc.  as well as infrastructure constructions.
Technical Data Sheets
Safety Data Sheets
Low Cracking Potential
Cürüflü Beton
Portland Kompoze Çimento